Die In-die-Schuhe-Schieber-Banden oder von der versteckten Kriegsführung
Muhammad Abu Bakr Müller - 1.Radschab1429 | 5.Juli 2008
Die Verschwörungstheorie Namens Al Qaidah wird
für Träumer wohl haltbar bleiben, doch leider gibt es fast nur Träumer und
Politiker, welche ihren und ihrer Wähler Luxususleben als durch böse
Muslime gefährdet weiterhin erfolgreich darstellen versuchen und die
Antiterrorkriege als paranoide Notwendigkeit zur Absicherung demokratischer Werte
predigen; kurz, sie müssen die Menschen beschützen.
372.1 Teil 1 - Geheimarmee - Daniele Ganser |
372.2 Teil 2 - Geheimarmee - Daniele
Ganser |
372.3 Teil 3 - Geheimarmee -
Daniele Ganser |

372.4 Unter falscher Flagge |
372.10 Legt die Beweise auf den Tisch
Was geschah wirklich am 11. September? |
Some examples of false flag attacks as pretexts
for war
Quelle: Wikipedia
In the 1931 Mukden
incident, Japanese officers fabricated a pretext for annexing
Manchuria by blowing up a section of railway. Six years later, they
falsely claimed the kidnapping of one of their soldiers in the Marco
Polo Bridge Incident as an excuse to invade China proper.
In the Gleiwitz incident in August 1939, Reinhard Heydrich made use
of fabricated evidence of a Polish attack against Germany to
mobilize German public opinion and to fabricate a false
justification for a war with Poland. This, along with other false
flag operations in Operation Himmler would be used to mobilize
support from the German population for the start of World War II in
On November 26, 1939 the Soviet Union shelled the Russian village of
Mainila near the Finnish border. The Soviet Union attacked Finland
four days after the Shelling of Mainila. Some Russian historians
have claimed that the Finns shelled themselves with the intent of
later attacking the Soviet Union. This theory is not shared by most
historians, and Russia has agreed that the attack was initiated by
the Soviets. Also, the nearest Finnish artillery pieces were well
outside the range needed to shell Mainila.
In 1953, the U.S. and British-orchestrated Operation Ajax used "false-flag"
and propaganda operations against the democratically elected leader
of Iran, Mohammed Mosaddeq. Information regarding the CIA-sponsored
coup d'etat has been largely declassified and is available in the
CIA archives.[3]
In 1954, Israel sponsored bombings against US and UK interests in
Cairo aiming to cause trouble between Egypt and the West.[4] This
operation, latter dubbed the Lavon Affair cost Israeli defense
minister Pinhas Lavon his job. Israel (where it is known as "The
Unfortunate Affair") finally admitted responsibility in 2005.[5]
The planned, but never executed, 1962 Operation Northwoods plot by
the US Department of Defense for a war with Cuba involved scenarios
such as hijacking a passenger plane, sinking a U.S. ship, burning
crops and blaming such actions on Cuba. It was authored by the Joint
Chiefs of Staff, nixed by John F. Kennedy, came to light through the
Freedom of Information Act and was publicized by James Bamford.
Former GRU officer Aleksey Galkin[6], former FSB officer Alexander
Litvinenko [7] and other whistleblowers from the Russian government
and security services have asserted that the 1999 Russian apartment
bombings that precipitated the Second Chechen War were false flag
operations perpetrated by the FSB, the successor organization to the
KGB. Galkin has since then, recanted these accusations which he had
asserted when a prisoner of Chechen rebels.

Al Qaida / Fahndungsbild |
1401-1224 (1981- 2003)
Toner und Tinte auf Karton
/ Krisentourismus |
Bekannte und unbekannte Verbrecher, die aber
durch ihre geschickten Lügen die Öffentlichkeit noch immer glauben
lassen, sie wären die Guten und andere hätten die von Ihnen
mitinszenierten Verbrechen verübt; so z.B. die Taliban, die zwar
durchaus Verbrecher in ihren Reihen haben mögen, doch im Vergleich
zur amerikanischen Armee, und denjenigen die sie unterstützen, ein
Beispiel für gutes Benehmen sind.
Es geht hier aber nicht um die Taliban oder die
US Armee, sondern um die Geheimdienste und deren Auftraggeber, die dafür
sorgen, dass es in der öffentlichen Meinung sinnvoll oder
gerechtfertigt erscheint, wenn muslimische Gebiete mit Bomben
zerstört, hunderttausende Menschen getötet und Länder militärisch
besetzt werden; sei dies nun wegen Rohstoffen oder wegen der
Zerstörung des Islam oder beides zusammen. Die deshalb inszenierten
Terroraktionen, die anderen als Kriegsgrund in die Schuhe geschoben
werden, ziehen sich wie ein roter Faden durch die Geschichte und
werden in der Gaunersprache "versteckte Kriegsführung" oder "false
flag operations" genannt.
Diese "äussere Welt" der Ereignisse ist aber
genauso wenig zufällig von Allah
geschaffen worden wie alles andere
und dient daher nicht nur der Frage wer hat welches Verbrechen
begangen, sondern lasst die eigene Betroffenheit erkennen, inwieweit
nicht die eigene Seele mit sich selbst, zwecks kurzfristiger
Vorteile, in eine versteckte Kriegsführung unter
falscher Flagge segelt, denn eine Seele kann sich noch viel
umfangreicher und trickreicher betrügen, als ein Volk durch Medien
hineingelegt werden könnte; das wird ja hin und wieder aufgedeckt,
wie man in den Videos sieht; aber werd deckt die innere versteckte
Kriegsführung auf? Äussere Ereignisse sind für denjenigen, welche hinsehen, ein
der eigenen innerer Zustände und wer seinen
Spiegel des Herzens poliert, der sieht mehr als derjenige, der ihn verrostet lässt.
Nun. Die Motive warum man jemand anderen etwas in
die Schuhe schiebt mögen verschieden sein, doch das Muster der Vorgehensweise bleibt
besonders dann, wenn die Raubritter damit
zu rechtfertigen versuchen, selbst die "Guten" zu sein,
und die vom Bösen Bedrohten zu schützen. Man veranstalte also etwas
Böses, etwas mit möglichst vielen Toten und lenke die
Schuld auf andere, damit es möglichst gerechtfertigt aussieht, dass man
die Bösen bekämpft. Zumindest ein rrosser Teil der Bevölkerung
sollte es dann als notwendig erachten, dass Bomben geworfen werden oder Richter ihre
Entschleierungsbedürfnisse zur Schau
stellen. Sicherlich, da wird ab und zu gefragt, ob all dies mit den
Prinzipien der Demokratie oder Staatsverfassungen vereinbar sei und ähnliches Gejammer, doch
kenne ich keinen Fall in den letzten 20 Jahren, wo dies von
Bedeutung gewesen wäre; Krieg ist ja auch ein gross
es Geschäft und wer
da mitschmarotzen will, der biegt sichs wie er es braucht.
Man suche also Menschen mit muslimischen
Namen, die im Sinne der bereits medial gedrillten öffentlichen Meinung, in
die massgeschneiderten Schuhe gut passen würden, denn wenn die Bombe explodiert, braucht man nur mehr
zu sagen: "er muss es gewesen
sein, denn seine Schuhabdrücke beweisen es" ... und so findet
man schnell einen Reisepass in der Asche und kann auch
beweisen, dass der Schuldige um 15 Uhr auf einer gewissen Website surfte. Sind dann einmal weltweit falsche
Topnachrichten verbreitet, so ist es
nicht mehr von Belang, wenn sie als Lügen entlarvt werden, den der
Leser ist ja schon froh gewesen, dass die Terroristen Muslime waren;
das erhält die Ordnung. Die Strukturen christlicher Hexenprozesse
wiederholen sich heute als Terrorprozesse der
Es geht hier nicht Daarum festzustellen, dass es vielleicht keine
Terroristen gäbe, nein, keineswegs, denn diese wird es wohl immer
als Ventil sich unterdrückt fühlender Menschen oder ihrer selbst
ernannten Vertreter geben. Laut
Europol-Bericht 2007 waren für 91.Prozent
aller terroristischen Taten in der Europäischen Union europäische
Separatisten verantwortlich, die sich offensichtlich alle Unterdrückt fühlten. Terrorismus
ist also keine Islamische Erfindung. Um aber eigenes
Raubrittertum und ethnische Säuberungen
zu rechtfertigen, hat man
im July 1946, unter Führung des späteren
zionistischen Ministerpräsidenten Menachim Begin, mit dem
Bombenattentat auf das
King David Hotel
die aktuellen Ereignisse in eine neue Ära versteckter Kriegsführung
mit immer komplexeren Abläufen selbst inszenierter Terrorakte
eingeführt, welche seither regelmäss
ig Muslimen in die Schuhe
geschoben werden; es ergibt Sinn, dass zionistische Geheimdienste
Wie kann man das machen? Zur
einschlägigen Personalsuche erstelle man z.B. eine Website für Bombenbastler
und lege eine Datenbank mit den Besucherprofilen an um an medial verwertbare Terroristen
rekrutieren zu können; insbesondere
Salafis sind
dafür anfällig, denn ihre Gelehrten legitimieren geplanten Selbstmord
als Kampfeinsatz.
Aber wer hat schon die Zeit, sich damit zu befassen und wer sollte also an selbst inszenierten Terror
So wie im Fall "Gladio" den "Linken" der Terror in die
Schuhe geschoben wurde, wird er heute den "Muslimen" in die
Schuhe geschoben. So wie der Reichstagbrand
oder die Sprengung des Bahnhofs von Bologna inzwischen längst als selbst
inszenierter Terror entlarvt wurden, so treten nun die neueren Selbstinszenierungen wie
911 oder die
Bomben von London, immer deutlicher ans Tageslicht; allerdings
auch nur
für diejenigen, die wissen wollen. Auf geistiger Ebene aber, heisst
die versteckte Kriegsführung gegen die Muslime: "Integrationspolitik";
dafür haben Ungläubige die Umschulung von Muslimen selbst in die
Hand genommen; Österreich gilt als Vorzeigemodell wenn es Daarum
geht, Religionslehrer für diese geistigen Kriegsführung auszubilden.
Muhammad Abu
Bakr Müller.
1.radschab1429 | 5.Juli 2008
Gladio (ital.
Lateinischen gladius für Schwert) oder auch
Stay-Behind-Organisation war der Name einer
Geheimorganisation von
CIA und des britischen
MI6 während des
Kalten Kriegs. Sie existierte von etwa
1950 bis mindestens 1990 und erstreckte sich über das damalige
Westeuropa, Griechenland und die Türkei. Im Zuge der Aufdeckung
von Gladio wurde 1990 bekannt, dass Teile der Organisation unter
Mitwirkung von staatlichen Organen systematisch und
zielgerichtet an gravierenden Terrorakten in mehreren
europäischen Ländern beteiligt waren. Es folgte ein europaweiter
politischer Skandal, die Presse sprach von dem "bestgehüteten
und zerstörerischsten politisch-militärischen Geheimnis seit dem
Zweiten Weltkrieg." .....
Gladio – Death Plan For Democracy
by: Peter Chamberlin
Last week, a secret paramilitary group (formerly?) allied with
America was busted in Turkey. Thirteen members of a shadowy
right-wing group in Turkey were charged with "forming an armed
terrorist group in order to provoke members of the public into armed
revolt against the government."
"The detention in Istanbul last week of alleged members of a shadowy
Turkish ultranationalist group has revived charges that elements
within the Turkish security apparatus have long tried to destabilize
the country through a campaign of bombings and assassinations. These
allegedly include false flag operations that have been attributed to
Kurdish separatists and violent Islamists... The Turkish media have
claimed that the latest arrests follow intelligence reports that the
gang was planning to carry out a series of high level assassinations...what Turks call... deep state has its origins in
what are commonly called Gladio operations " - Mass Arrests Expose
Operations of Turkey's "Deep State" - By Gareth Jenkins
The use of proxy mercenary forces to terrorize nations into
submitting to US political demands has been the cornerstone of
American foreign policy since at least the era of the Berlin Wall,
and it still is.
"Terrorism - the use of violence and threats to intimidate or to
coerce, esp. for political purposes."
According to this definition from
Dictionary.com, the government of the United States of America
is the primary source of state terrorism in the world.
In Europe, the American government actively sought to eliminate
political opposition to its fascist world plans through the use of
open violent repression and covert terroristic "false flag" attacks
upon popular patriotic resistance movements and their leaders.
Using ultra right-wing homegrown fascists, in both Europe and
America, secret paramilitary militias were created, called "Stay
Behind" forces at the end of World War II. Since then, the CIA
activated these groups to successfully quash anti-American liberal
and social democratic popular resistance movements. The agency
denies this, but the series of exposes of their network in Europe
since 1990 have proven the professed denials to be false.
The secret American plans to turn dissent into a weapon for
destroying democracy were applied equally, yet differently, in
America and Europe. Here, the procedure called for using more
subtlety, as opposed to Europe, where everything would happen
outside of the controlled environment of the corporate US media. In
Europe, so-called "pro-communist" forces could be fought more
aggressively, using secretive groups like Gladio to physically
attack the antiwar, Labor-oriented and liberal protest movements.
Behind the scenes, terror attacks were carried-out by anonymous
sources to be blamed on the opposition party. Using the extreme
right-wing Gladio forces in this manner, as well as infiltrating and
sabotaging leftist groups from within, proved devastating at the
polls. People ran away from the resistance in droves, seeking
security in the waiting arms of the fascists and the all-powerful
state. But many people did also see through the BS of the "official
story" of events like the bombing of a train stations in Bologna,
The secret plans for Europe entailed large covert paramilitary units
in every NATO nation, that were trained and ready to suppress all
anti-American protests by liberals and social democrats. The
official name of the covert programs was "Gladio." The official
cover story (and its original purpose) was that these right-wing
paramilitary units were "Stay Behind" forces, which were created as
copies of the French "underground" resistance, to be activated upon
a Soviet conquest and occupation of Europe. The Stay Behind/Gladio
forces saw a change of mission in the sixties, when the European
socialist/liberal alliance began to awaken strong nationalist
movements in every NATO country.
The following three-part investigation from the BBC, entitled "Timewatch
– Operation Gladio" can be seen at either YouTube (part 1 of 15 is
embedded below),
http://youtube.com/watch?v=l2MOpkriXb4 or at Google Video (in three parts). You can download the Google
videos here.
The Timewatch investigation documents the secret formation of these
neo-fascist units throughout Europe, highlighting individual local
leaders and their personal testimony about participating in armed
attacks upon government armories and supermarkets, as well as terror
bombings, like the bomb that was detonated at Bologna's train
station, killing 85 and wounded over 200. Other revelations from
the video about the operation include a damning investigation of
Gladio by the European Union, interviews with key Gladio players
like neocon Michael Ledeen, shadowy Iran/Contra figures Gen. John
Singlaub, CIA spokesmen like former Director William Colby and Ray
Cline, as well as pivotal controversial documentation on secret Army
participation. In contradiction of CIA denials about the true purpose of Gladio and
the scope of its operations and neoconservative lies that there was
no Gladio, the following excerpt, from joint resolution (EP
22.11.90) of the European Parliament condemns actions of US and
allied intelligence agencies involved. http://users
This, "there is no spoon" explanation echoes the equally lame
counter-story given by alleged Gladio participant, Licio Gelli,
Grand Master of super-secretive P2 Masonic lodge, that the dreadful
Bologna train station bombing was a "transportation accident,"
taking place in an open marketplace, where explosives were commonly
sold, when "someone threw a cigarette away."
The "old forgery" that Ledeen referred to was a document known as
"US Defense Training Manual 30-31B. The State Dept. claims that the
CIA "debunked" this document as a Soviet forgery, even though it is
somehow listed within the classified sections of manual libraries
The allegedly forged document, signed by Army Chief of Staff Gen.
W.C. WESTMORELAND, contained the following admission:
"There may be times when host country governments show passivity or
indecision in the face of Communist subversion...US Army
Intelligence must have the means of launching special operations
which will convince host country governments and public opinion of
the reality of the insurgent danger... To this end, U.S. Army
intelligence should seek to penetrate the insurgency by means of
agents on special assignment, with the task of forming special
action groups among the more radical elements of the insurgency.
When the kind of situation envisaged above arises, these groups,
acting under U.S. Army intelligence control, should be used to
launch violent or non-violent actions according to the nature of the
Since this is a very precise description of the known activities of
Gladio given by participants in it, we must assume that history has
confirmed that 30-31B is real. In Gladio operations, like those
attributed to the "Deep State" group in Turkey, the plans for covert
acts of terrorism (which were theoretically intended to implicate
the Communists or other enemies of the US, thus turning the
population against them) were supposed to be activated at that
moment in the national struggle where the Communist/liberal forces
turn away from armed struggle, to embrace non-violent democratic
elections, according to the (CIA-alleged) disinformation known as
"Army Field Manual 30-31B." But, as described so vividly in the BBC
documentary, the right-wing terror attacks upon leftist leaders
preceded the use of those tactics by the "pro-communist" forces. In
addition to staging false flag attacks meant to be blamed upon the
leftists, an intensive effort was made to infiltrate those
movements, in order to incite radicals within them into carrying-out
their own copycat attacks.
While Ledeen and the CIA try to claim that Gladio is a "legend,"
fabricated by the Soviets in an attempt to blame the US for their
actions, the revelation of historical evidence is indicting America
and the agency for introducing political terrorism to Western
electoral politics. Gladio is an ongoing operation by our
government to savagely kill and wound thousands of our own allies,
in order to blackmail them into supporting America's fascist plans
for the world. "Political action" took on a whole new meaning at
the hands of the CIA and its hidden allies.
Terrorism, as political action, became the driving force in American
foreign policy, and any nation that sought our aid, or to become
allied with us, had to accept this reality and the necessity to keep
blaming others for our own commissioned attacks. The historical
record of "terrorist" bombings throughout the world is, for the most
part, a record of our actions, done under the cover of layers of
"plausible deniability," created by the compartmentalization of
terrorist strike forces into different secret levels.
If the mercenary Gladio paramilitary forces could not provide a
sufficient level of violence to satisfy the Company's needs, then
the agency could rely on its own paramilitary units, or on special
troops from Defense Intelligence under the 30-31B provision. If the
work required an extra layer of "plausible deniability" then there
were always criminal organizations for hire and the super-secret
network of "rogue operators" like Ed Wilson, who were officially
alleged to be "former CIA." In the book, Charlie Wilson's War,
former agent Wilson told President Anastasio Somoza of El Salvador
that he could raise an army of 1000 "ex" agents to defeat
anti-government rebels, for the right price.
In America we have seen that same commitment to the use of political
violence play-out within the CIA/corporate/Republican alliance,
especially during the Nixon Administration as seen in bloody
incidents like the Kent State massacre, where right-wing Republican
Ohio Governor James Rhodes strove to impress his Republican masters
by having young unsuspecting National Guardsmen fire live ammunition
into a crowd of young unsuspecting college students. Behind the
scenes government provocateurs led radical movements like the SDS,
the Weathermen and the Black Panthers into violent actions, intended
to discredit and slander the antiwar movement. With the empowerment
of Reagan, Bush and agency director Casey, CIA involvement in
American politics was out in the open.
Co-opting the highly patriotic party Republican Party and the
American right-wing in a subversive program to eliminate democracy
by turning it into a weapon in this country was not a simple task.
It took a great deal of foresight, intricate planning and an
enormous amount of cash. In order to gain control over America's
right-wing as it had in Europe, the Company had to formulate a
program of intricate deception, in order to gain their trust, as a
first step to dominating their efforts.
Since grassroots conservatism in this country is based on a
conspiracy theory-based belief system, the agency had to promote the
far-reaching conspiracy theories that were common to the movement.
This meant that the CIA had to promote evidence of all-encompassing
theories, such as those concerning Jews, the "Illuminati" and
international bankers, to win the trust of suspicious Republican
bigots. Undercover agents had to pose as movement leaders and
researchers, who were committed to exposing the plots of our
would-be "masters." The agency chose to play both the race card and
the Religion card, by making the "Zionist" plot to colonize
Palestine (a real conspiracy) the cornerstone of the CIA/corporate
plot against the world. The agency promoted joint CIA/MOSsAD
actions for the dual purpose of forwarding both US corporate plans
for the world and Israeli designs to reclaim the land of "Greater
Israel," which were critical to conspiracy plans for the Middle East
and creating a state of permanent war there.
The master manipulators at the agency underwrote secret efforts by
Zionist agents, who also served US interests, to undermine American
democracy and simultaneously cuddling-up to the American extreme
right-wing. The Gladio-styled plan was to take over the
ultra-nationalist right and to infiltrate and corrupt the
anti-government left. They helped to create secretive anti-Semitic
organizations, as well as Zionist groups. The two-pronged attack
focused on exposing Zionist subversives, while working to build a
popular wave of anti-Semitism as a national counter-reaction to
Zionist crimes which they had helped to expose.
The key to convincing the masses of conservative Republican voters
of this vast covert conspiracy was found in the "big lie," where the
government agents chose to expose choice tidbits of its own massive
brainwashing and social control campaigns, attributing them to
agents of "Zion." The brainwashing science possessed by the
government and applied through its foundations and institutes (such
as Rand, Ford, Carnegie, Stanford and Tavistock Institute) dwarfs
the alleged manipulative powers of any imagined conspiracy. This
proved to be extremely successful, especially when combined with
spectacular fear producing terror attacks.
In truth, mind control science, developed and implemented since
World War II, is all CIA. With the rise of former CIA director
George Bush to the position of "vice president elect," (and their
"October surprise" obtained with a purloined speech prep book for
the great debate) the agency began to apply those behavioral control
techniques of Gladio to the political process.
The political product of that behavioral research, which became
known as "neo-conservatism,"
was a deliberate attempt to duplicate the psychology of pre-WWII
Europe (especially that of Nazi Germany) here in America, based on
the scientific research of the Jewish intellectuals, who had fled
from there for their lives. The recreation of a radical
anti-Semitic political belief system here would be enhanced by
popular resistance and reaction to the fascist neoconservative
policies of Zionist dual-citizenship neocons. Leaders were found
who could inspire armies of individuals to believe that there is a
powerful dark conspiracy afoot that can mobilize secret armies of
millions, to control every aspect of every life, or nearly so. The
success of the brainwashing program can be measured directly by the
number and intensity of individuals who believe in theories of
"racial superiority," whether they be believers in ideas of either
"Jewish superiority" or in counter-theories of white or "Aryan"
Today's resistance movement of counter-reaction to
neoconservative/Zionist fascism is under assault by dueling forces,
who either want to silence the movement, or to misdirect and co-opt
it. If the movement is silenced by Zionists or divided by
anti-Zionists, it will not be able to disrupt the neoconservative
plans to launch nuclear war against Iran and thereby usher in a
state of permanent war.
The over-eager Zionist zealots who willingly became part of this
conspiracy have unknowingly sealed Israel's fate, as the intended
target for the coming wave of anti-Semitism. Little did they know
that their Republican friends planned to drag-up Zionism's
historical record of utilizing anti-Semites in their secret plans to
force the Jewish "Diaspora" out of Europe to forcefully colonize
Palestine, as proof of a global "Jewish conspiracy." The intensive
campaign of lies and subterfuge that have been used to hide fascist
Israeli intentions to "ethnically cleanse" Palestine and the
surrounding area of its Arab inhabitants, confirm all the negative
stereotyping of the "Jewish state," especially in light of "Israel
lobby" plans to force America to fight Israel's wars, even the ones
started by Israel.
The Gladio-centered US foreign policy, which was so successfully
played-out in Europe, effectively countered the Soviet expansion at
a high cost to European democracy. The application of that policy
to Islamic countries facing a Soviet threat, such as Afghanistan,
helped to roll-back the Soviets, but at a terrible cost. The
training of Islamic paramilitary forces to carry-out terror attacks
for political reasons, evolved into the unfolding nightmare known as
the war on terror.
In Afghanistan, the CIA armed, trained and supported Islamic "Gladios"
who carried-out Brzezenski's plans for staging terrorist attacks
upon popular local Afghan tribal leaders, as a means to instigate
the widespread tribal warfare which eventually lured the Soviets to
intervene in December 1979. (July 3, 1979, President Carter signed
the first directive for secret aid to the opponents of the
pro-Soviet regime in Kabul.) Reagan whole-heartedly supported the
new terror politics as a weapon for attacking the Soviet empire,
even expanding the Islamic militant form of Gladio to all member
states of the Soviet Union and their allies, when he signed National
Security Decision Directive 166 in March 1985. In Central America,
his Gladio-like duplication trained paramilitary armies and death
squads. This policy became known as the "El Salvador option," when
George W. Bush embraced it in Iraq, making it the centerpiece of his
strategy for the "war on terrorism."
Bush embraced Clinton's strategy of using this network of
CIA-created Islamic extremists and mercenaries now known as "al
Qaida." They massacred their fellow Muslims in great numbers in
Sarajevo and throughout the former Yugoslavia, blaming the Serbs and
thereby agitating popular opinion against the Serbians, gaining
international sympathy for the Muslim cause there. We learned from
the BBC documentary, that the former members of Italian Gladio were
deeply involved in the Balkans before this, staging attacks and
sowing chaos. Italy "played a double game" in the region, first
joining with the Nazis to fight against Tito, and later on joining
with the British to fight Croats. The fires of ethnic division that
erupted into civil war in our lifetimes began in these covert ops
intended to pit Yugoslavian countrymen against each other. This
provided an opening for the US and its allies to openly intervene
for "humanitarian reasons." America's hypocrisy is without equal as
we wage a war of terrorism, following a terror-based foreign policy,
to fight against terrorist armies that we and our secret friends
have trained and equipped.
Bush repeated the pattern again in Iraq and Lebanon, and wherever
the Muslim world encroached upon the Israeli plans which he had
agreed to, to create "Greater Israel" from the Palestinian and Arab
homelands. Bush's great plan for sowing democracy is actually an
excuse to sow political division and ignite religious class war
between Muslims, in order to divide the people into left and
right-wings, as a first step to beginning the terroristic Gladio /
El Salvador option of false flag bombings and the manipulation of
Islamic populations.
It is in the Middle East where the fruits of these destructive, evil
policies are most apparent, especially in Palestine, Lebanon and
Iraq. The American plot to sow the seeds of democracy, so that
they might destroy whatever government that the people
democratically choose to empower, is the most cynical conspiracy
ever imagined by the sick mind of man. Anyone with a shred of
human decency should feel compelled to fight this evil.